PRO Client Services
Our approach is client-oriented in order to reach the highest satisfaction of the client’s requirements, all while maintaining basic standards and profitability. We strive to meet clients even in cases where the requirements beyond standard practices and procedures. We dare to say that if our company can provide you with higher form of PRO client services, because as service providers we are thinking how to meet the client even better than the clients expectations to deliver alternative and often constructive solutions.

Legal Service
(conversion into another legal person, changes in companies)
In cooperation with our contractual law firms and tax advisors, we provide our clients with comprehensive legal services in commercial, labor and tax law.Τhe transformation of the individual to a limited liability company, the establishment of a legal entity for the duration of the business individuals optionally followed by a complete termination of business individuals.
In addition to legal services for Slovak , we can provide guidance on the issue in Czech republic, Hungary, Croatia, Austria, Germany, Cyprus and in cooperation with our partners in selected offshore countries. Currently we are preparing in the form of new services in the Baltic countries.
We provide legal services in the following areas:
- In the establishment, change and cancellation of commercial companies, general meetings
- Transfers of shares,creation of contracts and other documents
- Representation to the Commercial Register and the Freelance Register
- We provide advices and information under the laws of the Slovak Republic
- Representing clients before the courts and other administrative authorities during
- The transformation of the company

Translation and interpretation services
Not linguistically proficient? We can provide assistance. We provide translation and interpreting services at a high professional level in all languages. We provide consecutive, simultaneous interpreting, as well as official interpreting. This portofolio is primarily managed by us and the rest in cooperation with our partners. We can ensure the translation of documents, from certified translators registered in the Slovak Ministry of Justice or to just verify documents by a notary.
We provide:
- Official translations of documents
- Common translations of documents
- Translation services
EU Funding
For approximately 10 years our company successfully performs activities with comprehensive advice for obtaining funding from the European Union, particularly in the field of structural funds, state aids and the Brussels Strategic Investments.
The European Commission will prioritize the following areas in Slovakia:
- Business environment favorable for innovation
- Infrastructure for economic growth and employment
- Development of human capital and improvement of labor market participation
- Sustainable and efficient use of natural resources
- Modern and professional public administration

Vehicle Registration / Transcription
Do you have a motor vehicle and do not have time for registration or insurance?
Our company can provide a helping hand in this field as well and we can assure you:
- Representing the transcription of MV to the relevant authorities
- Car insurance – initial consultation with insurers
- Accident insurance (KASKO) – initial consultation with insurers